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The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
That Time I Joined the Circus
J.J. Howard
Siege and Storm

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (The Folger Library General Reader's Shakespeare)

Romeo Juliet - William Shakespeare So, a couple months ago I was encouraged (forced) to join a Shakespeare study group. The first play we studied was Romeo and Juliet. This is the play everyone knows the basic plot of. The story wasn't new to me. It's a classic tale that can be adapted to any audience (the first time I heard the story was 10 years ago watching PBS Kids). This play is similar to twilight in the fact that people either love it or hate it, and maybe three people stand to the side and neither like or dislike it. I'm one of those three. I think the play has different pros and cons about it. The characters acted irrationally, but if you think about it, in LOTS of books people act irrationally, but no one judges them!I loved this play as an introduction to Shakespeare's language. Before this, I couldn't have cared less about plays and poetry, but now I love it! He weaves together his story so beautifully (no matter how pointless and confusing the story is).